Monday – 05/04/2015 – TTT

General notes on the day. Got home late last night, so was not on my optimal sleep or eating schedule. Definitely a limiter in training today, but I knew this going into today and was mentally prepared for the hurdles to overcome and did not let it negatively effect my day. Excepted the fact wouldn’t feel great and dealt with it when it arrived.

Am session
Row 3K @ steady pace
off rower every 300m to do 6 alternating Cossack Squats and 3 clean grip OHS

Used 2 26lb KB for the cossack and 75 on the OHS.
the perfect am session after a late night of traveling.

Pm session
10 min @ 85% effort
Row 150m
10 STO @ 95

7 + 150m – good pacing here, tried to stay around 1:20 per round

10 min rest

10 min AMRAP @ 85% effort
6 alternating DB Snatch @ 80lb
6 burpee
12 Dubz

7 + 4

A couple things here, the up and down of the db snatch and burpee made me feel a little dizzy, never have had this happen before from this combo. The negative of the DB especially on the left arm took a ton of energy out of me. Tried to keep each round around 1:25, but I do feel it started dipping off a little past the 5/6 minute mark.

10 min rest

10 min AMRAP @ 85%
5 Hang power clean @ 95
10 front rack lunges @ 95
30 second AB

7 + 7

Felt effort was sustainable here, but did not keep accurate track of avg time per round. Had to use bike that does not have a working monitor.

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