Wednesday – 4/6/2016 – TTT

Probably one of the worst days of training that I can recall in quite some time. Pretty frustrated after today’s session. 
A – Clean x 2/Jerk x 2, rest 3 min x 4 sets (10 sec bt cleans)

could not lock anything out overhead above 205. Starting to get a little worried and nervous as this overhead instability has been going on for too long. Warming up it felt better today, but there was a huge lack of confidence moving forward. 


B – Deadlift 5 sets of 3, rest 3 min (all heavy)


This was a saving grace in my training. Off the ground didn’t feel like a major grind until 405, the negatives is where I felt the work on most. So fairly content here and don’t recall the last time we deadlifted for absolute strength straight up. 


C1 – DB crossover step ups x 8/side, rest 1 min bt sides

40 across

C2 – 1-arm overhead cossack squats x 6/arm, rest 1 min bt sides x 3 sets

used a 10 lb dumbbell to make sure I was fighting for good overhead position. 


D – 12 min AB cooldown @ 200 watts


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