Friday – 4/15/2016 – TTT

AMRow 1k @ 90% aerobic effort (last 100m of each set are faster), start a set every 4:30 x 4





Low back got lit up this am. I spent a good 10-15 minutes before starting my warm up today making sure my hips were loose because i felt the potential of this happening. 


Straight arm side bridge with top leg abducted, ALAP/side x 3 sets/side


EMOM x 36

Min 1 – 6 bar MU’s

Min 2 – 3 strict HSPU + 6 kipping HSPU

Min 3 – 12 alternating pistols with 18lb KB in goblet position

Min 4 – 15 DB thrusters @ 30/hand

Min 5 – 18 Row cals

Min 6 – Rest

muscle ups were the easiest part for me today. 

Hspu- From rd 4 on, the strict hspu were a struggle 

Pistols – my legs felt zapped in rd 5

Thruster – felt tons of shoulder fatigue in rd 3, kept breathing under control 

Row – as I got more fatigued I had to work harder and harder but found a good rhythm 

Rest – my favorite station. 

CARs full
about to start right now 

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