Tuesday – 8/23/2016 – TTT

A – Skin the cat on rings x 12 reps for control, push the back lever position as much as mobility allowsIn a back lever, thumbs are supposed to be pointing out correct? Not sure if I don’t trust this position, or thats where my mobility has not allowed me to get in the right position. Regardless of hand position, I still pushed for that aggressively in a tuck 

B1 – Ring hinge rows x 10, rest 90 sec

B2 – Archer pushups on rings x 6/side (12 total), rest 90 sec x 5

rep schemes on these today were perfect. As I got into set 3-5, I was working so hard to stay mechanically perfect, tight and in control of the movement. Set 5 was a good quality a fight for sure. 

C1 – Renegade rows x 20 (10/side), rest 90 sec


C2 – DB neutral grip bench press x 20, rest 90 sec x 5


same to be said here as previous, the higher rep schemes were a great mental and physical challenge today. 


AB 20 sec @ 350 watts

AB 20 sec @ 400 watts

AB 20 sec @ 450 watts

AB 20 sec @ 475 watts

AB 20 sec @ 500 watts

rest 3 min x 4 sets

failed to stay in the 450 & 475 range on those sets(on 450, dipped to 416 to 448, on 475 dipped to 461 a few times), 500 watts was in the mid to high 500’s. I’m sure part of this is the familiarity of different rpm’s/wattage. But overall this sucked and I can’t wait to do it again. 


Dbl DB overhead carry 100ft, rest 2 min x 6

35, felt much better today. 

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