Wednesday – 5/10/2017 – TTT

A – Banded strict press @ 21X2 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 5 setsDifferent band set up today


B1 – Parallette HSPU negatives x 3 @ 3-5 sec eccentric, rest 5 sec bt, 15 sec after 3

B2 – Strict HSPU AMRAP (-1), rest 30 sec (stop when you lose speed on the concentric)


B3 – Kipping HSPU AMRAP (-1), rest walk 3 min x 3 sets (try to get more reps on B2 and B3 compared to last week)

Only 1 extra rep each set on strict work. Kipping work was a huge difference. Not sure what the major difference was, I tried not to over exert myself on the negative work so I’m sure this played a role, but I didn’t slack ass it either. Fluidity did feel better in the timing and rhythm of kip as well
C1 – 1-arm alternating KB sots press x 5/side (can elevate heels as needed to provide balance), rest 90 sec

35 – focused on holding in overhead position for 1 breath. This position felt way better today than last week.

C2 – Dbl KB supinated grip bent over rows x 10-12, rest 90 sec x 4


D1 – 1-arm ring rows x 4-6/side, keep torso square, rest 15 sec bt sides, 60 sec after both


D2 – Supinated grip chin over bar hold ALAP into slow negative x 10-12 sec, rest 60 sec x 5 sets

Elbows didn’t feel as hot today as last week, so I guess that’s some progress. Held for around 15 seconds which is also better than last week, could’ve fought for a little longer on each but didn’t want to force the issue too much.

E1 – Ring fall throughs from tall kneeling x 3-5, rest 1 min

E2 – Banded hollow pull throughs from tall kneeling x 5, rest 1 min x 4 sets


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