Wednesday – 5/17/2017 – TTT

A – Banded strict press @ 21X2 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 6 sets (same setup as last week, same tough load across)Completely different gym as last week so same setup was hard to duplicate exactly. 

85 across

This was super tough, actually had to fight the urge to push press rep 6 on the last two sets

B1 – Parallette HSPU negatives x 3 @ 3-5 sec eccentric, rest 5 sec bt, 15 sec after 3

B2 – Strict HSPU AMRAP (-1), rest 30 sec (stop when you lose speed on the concentric)


B3 – Kipping HSPU AMRAP (-1), rest walk 3 min x 3 sets (try to get more reps again on B2 and B3)


C1 – 1-arm alternating KB sots press x 5/side (can elevate heels as needed to provide balance), rest 90 sec

26 w/no elevated heel. Wanted to change the challenge and this was hard

C2 – Band resisted KB rows x 10 (, rest 90 sec x 5

These were awesome, setup was tricky finding the best and most effective way

D1 – DB side bends x 6-8/side

70×8 across

D2 – Banded Y’s from hollow x 6-8

D3 – Banded pulldowns from hollow x 6-8 (, rest as needed x 3 sets

Both of these were fun and challenging. Enjoyed the challenge they provided.
E – Sandbag half moons from tall kneeling x 5/direction, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

Had to do later, not enough time in session.

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