Friday – 5/19/2017 – TTT

A1 – KB goblet hold front to back lunges x 3/leg, rest 30 sec2 pood

A2 – KB alternating cossack squats with low hips x 3/side, rest 30 sec


A3 – Prone scorpion twists x 3/side, rest 30 sec

A4 – Supine leg whips x 3/side, rest 90 sec x 2 sets

All done
B1 – Front squat x 5 fast reps @ 205, rest 30 sec

B2 – Thruster x 10 reps @ 135, rest 30 sec

B3 – Wallball x 20 reps @ 30lbs, rest walk 3 min x 3 sets

Front squat felt good, not great but good. The thruster wasn’t too bad, being able to control cycle time made this manageable with breathing. The first 12 of the wall ball felt easy, then the legs and shoulders felt it. This was fun overall! 
D1 – Planche lean with feet elevated 35 sec (active protraction), rest 60 sec

D2 – Reverse table plank hold 35 sec (active hip extension), rest 60 sec x 5 sets

The best these have felt
E – KB breathing ladder 1-12-1 @ 2pd

It has been about 6-7 years since I have done a breathing ladder. Traps became tired on rep 11 on the way up, at times I was thinking so much about breathing during rest that I wasn’t as natural with breathing during swings. Also, tried some tempo work, long exhale and quick pause before inhale, but this let to a quick inhale throwing breathing patterns off.

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