Tuesday – 7/25/2017 – TTT

10 min AB @ 300 watts, steady
12 min easy movement
Free standing HS holds
Tripod headstand into forward roll x 5
Skin the cats on rings
1-arm KB high windmills
10 min AB @ 300 watts, steady
12 min easy movement
Calf raise eccentrics x 6-8/side
90/90 shin box switches x 4/side
GHD side bends x 5/side
Sandbag half moons from straight leg seated x 4/direction
10 min AB @ 300 watts, steady
12 min easy movement
5 sec/side active scap hang from pullup bar (use foot on upright to resist rotating, try to keep ear by bicep, scap locked down)
3/direction/side mini band wall clocks (https://www.instagram.com/p/BWTOZSShTLH/)
Ring fall throughs from tall kneeling x 5 slow reps
archer pushups x 3/side, controlled movement

Super busy today so I had to do without the bike that has measureables so perceived rate of 300 watts was my only option.

I feel like I’m getting so much better with handstand holds and I need to do more skin the cats so thank you for keeping them in this design. The wall clocks are still awesome, and I’m starting to be super consistent with shin box switches outside of this day, they feel so good, and even have been doing shin box w/half turkish get up on your youtube page. Great stuff. Today was a good day based on the struggle of monday, I was just excited to move and not stress over the shitty training day of Monday.

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