Wednesday – 8/2/2017 – TTT

EMOM x 15Min 1 – 12 cal row

Min 2 – 10 burpees over erg

Min 3 – 10 C2B pullups

c2b started feeling consistent. With that, tried to focus on tightening them up and being faster. 


EMOM x 15

Min 1 – 12 cal AB

Min 2 – 6 burpee box jump overs (24in)

Min 3 – 3-4 ring MU

4’s across on muscle ups. Power and timing felt a little off on kip, but 4 without a problem. Also kipping the dip was out of rhythm. 


3 rounds for time

15 thrusters @ 95lbs

10 burpees over bar


after our burpee talk, had a different vision here. Thrusters were extremely hard for me in this piece. Could’ve been energy expenditure at this point, also in overhead position traps/rhomboids felt exhausted. Fought for all the thrusters to be unbroken. On burpee, I focused on trying to be consistently quick off the ground and fast over the bar, maybe a quick breath before getting into the next rep. Not sure where this would fall into the plan, but I felt this was a way for me to maintain quality movement but still push the limits of pacing/breathing. 


Mini band scap stability series in full (


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