Friday – 8/4/2017 – TTT

A – OHS @ 3121 tempo x 2-3, rest 2 min x 6225 across x 2 

On the first rep on the first 2-3 sets, had to sit in the bottom longer than 1 second because I felt the bb move forward of my center, same before starting the next rep at the top. Rep 2 always felt better than the first. 2 sec concentric is still terrible 

lB1 – 1-arm band resisted bent over rows x 8/side, rest 30 sec 

B2 – 1-arm landmine pivot press x 8/side, rest 30 sec 

Really irritated the QL on the right side, stayed conservative and minimized rotation on said side

B3 – Hanging windshield wipers x 5/side, rest 90 sec x 5 sets


AB @ 1200 watts as long as ‘comfortable’, rest walk 4-5 min to recovery x 6 sets. (expect these times to be 5-10% shorter than last week, still stay aware to what the perceived limiter is, and if it is the same at this power level)


Today when I got off the bike pretty early on, felt more tightness in my left leg, more leg it was dominating the pedaling more than my right. Was staying around 1242, and when I dropped to 1206 was my indicator that power output was not going to get back up. Leg power felt like limiter today, was more mentally prepared for this today. Some sets didn’t use my arms to the fullest. 


8 min easy cyclic cooldown

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