Monday – 9/18/2017 – TTT

A – 1 strict MU + 4-5 kipping MU (but keep them all in rhythm)- 3 sets, rest as needed
One of the best days I feel I have had with muscle ups
B – 2 banded strict HSPU, rest 30 sec, AMRAP strict HSPU in one set, rest 3 min x 5 sets
Bike 120 sec progressive intensity, faster every 30 sec, starting around 300 watts and ending around 450 watts, directly into
AMRAP 5 min
50ft sandbag bear hug carry
6 burpees over bag
50ft HS walk (25ft out and back)
6 sandbag bear hug squats
rest 5 min slow spin on bike x 3 sets
2 + 6 burpee
2 + sandbag
Handstand walking was definitely the limiter here. I was having some sandbag issues in the second round then I finally figured it out. The sand was moving around a lot and the bag did hit me in the nuts once. Should’ve been common sense how to figure it out
C1 – BB rollouts from tall kneeling x 6-8, rest 1 min
C2 – Banded pull throughs from wide(r) stance x 6-8, rest 1 min x 3 sets
D1 – Ring in and outs from front plank x 10 alternating reps (hands in arm pits, 1 arm extends laterally at a time), rest 1 min
D2 – 1-arm rotational ring rows x 5/side (rotate body away at extension, and towards top hand/strap at top), rest 1 min x 3 sets
E -Multi directional lunge matrix with arm drivers in:
– arms over head lateral flexion right
– arms over head lateral flexion left
– arms in front rotational right
– arms in front rotational left
– arms in front reach in front to overhead
3 reps in every position with each hand driver
all complete

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