Tuesday – 10/10-2017 – TTT

Clean x 2/Jerk x 1 – 3-4 working sets as you feel good, rest 3 min
On the 275 did the jerk after the first squat didn’t have the confidence to do it the other way. Wanted to go for 285 but was in my own head so it was a good clean pull.
7 min window
AB 75 cals
AMRAP thrusters in remaining time @ 95lbs

Rep breakdown
Off bike @ 3:48, wanted to pick up bar pretty quickly, first thruster done @ 4:04. Possibly couldve gotten a few more reps on the first set but challenged myself to get into it quickly. Didn’t have a real plan, was just go and settled into 7 at a time. Last set of 7 was started at 6ish, told myself I was going to pick the bar back up at 6:30 and not put it down.
Bike efforts were 15 hard out of the gate, held around 4-500 watts for the rest of the minute, 10 seconds at the top of the minute hard but could only get up to around 7-800 watts, so backed off a little in the next 50 so I could get the output higher.

Thorough run warmup
Run 400m @ 1 mile TT pace, rest 1:1 x 4, focus on breathing rhythm
Run 200m @ 1 mile TT pace (-3 sec), rest 1:1 x 6
Gps on watch started giving inconsistent distances each set and it started frustrating me, it felt like I was 100 double unders in and my judge said I was only at 64
Run 100m high effort but with good mechanics and breathing patterns, rest 2:1 x 8
Only got in 4, ran out of daylight, and feet started rubbing in the back of my shoes

Overall breathing and “higher” efforts on running felt way more comfortable than I ever recall
Hypoxic drills x 6 sets, rest 2 min
With stopping early didn’t get it in. Any value to doing it at the end of another session, or best suited after the intensity/effort of todays PM

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