Wednesday – 10/11/2017 – TTT

A – DB movement exploration/variability
1-arm DB hang power snatch x 5/side
1-arm alternating DB shoulder to overhead x 10 (5/side)
(1-arm DB squat snatch + 1-arm DB hang squat snatch) x 5/side
2-arm overhead dbl DB walking lunges x 16 steps
DB burpees x 10, rest as needed x 3 times through
Even threw in some db squat cleans as well
B1 – Mini band fire hydrants x 8/side (
B2 – Mini band psoas march x 5/side (alternating legs each rep,
B3 – Mini band lateral monster walk x 10/direction (
B4 – Mini band around knees hip thrusts with upper back on bench x 10 (squeeze butt at top,, rest as needed x 3 times through series
Awesome stuff here
Hang Muscle snatch x 3/Hang Power snatch x 3/BTN snatch grip push press x 3/OHS x 3/Snatch balance x 3/Snatch grip duck walk x 25ft, rest 90-120 sec x 4 sets
Energy levels were starting to fade here, so the following work was perfect to finish off with
Circling hip extensions on GHD x 5/direction
Skin the cat on rings x 2 for as much ROM as you can get without pain
Hip flow x 3/direction (shin box to half kneel to squat to pigeon pose and back)
3 times through, rest as needed

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