Monday – 11/13/2017 – TTT

Listened to the podcast with you and Kyle today, and much of it deeply resonated with me. The way you spoke on your relationship with pain and what are you afraid of was exactly what I needed to hear. Often I delay the inevitable of getting into a training piece and after listening to your words, I have a new sense of self awareness for these feelings. This was awesome.

A – 12 sets of 5 C2B pullups for quality, rest 30-45 sec as needed
felt better as I went, I’ve got to find better excitatory pull up prep. Did crossover symmetry activation, banded c2b, but need to find a better strategy, so will keep playing around with it. This was awesome though, to be able to mentally focus on the small things that go into each set and improving the little things from set to set.
B1 – 1-arm alternating DB shoulder to overhead x 16 (8/arm, switch overhead each rep), rest 1 min
55 across
Felt like more of an athlete on these today. I did notice that as I got closer to rep 6-7 on my left arm the negative wasn’t as stable.
B2 – Single arm DB high row from standing x 6/side with controlled negative, rest 15 sec/2 min x 3 sets
Actually held a KB in opposite hand to keep myself super honest and not create any compensation at all.
For time
Front squat x 3 reps @ 255
Wallball x 12 @ 30lbs
Wallball x 18 @ 20lbs
DU’s x 36
rest 3-4 min x 3 sets
2:02 – 1:59 – 1:52
The front squats felt heavy as shit and I did not feel strong at all, but I moved through them with no grinding what so ever. The 12 @ 30 felt good, it was the last 5-6 reps of the 18 @ 20 that sucked the most. Got faster mostly because I just sucked it up and embraced it.
Dead bugs with mini band on feet x 6/side with light KB held overhead 2in off ground
Side plank rotate unders x 4/side
Dead hang to inverted to tucked front lever x 2 controlled reps
3-4 times through, rest as needed

Only got in 2 sets, ran out of time and had to coach.

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