Monday – 11/20/2017 – TTT

I was super strapped for time today, so I couldn’t dick around much for warm up at all. After general specific warm up had to warm up all movements concurrently. With the strapped time and sense of urgency, it turned out to be one of the best sessions I feel like I’ve had in a long time. Pull ups felt solid from the beginning and even got to mentally focus on some of the little pieces of elbow position during the pull and while being weightless.

A – 14 sets of 5 C2B pullups for quality, rest 30-45 sec as needed
B1 – Dbl KB hang snatches x 12 @ 35/hand, rest 30 sec
This was a good loading to get more comfortable with this rep range and efficient movement
B2 – BB strict press x 12 @ 65-75lbs, rest 2 min x 3 sets
12 @ 75 w/1 sec pause overhead
For time
Front squat x 3 reps @ 265
Wallball x 14 @ 30lbs
Wallball x 21 @ 20lbs
DU’s x 45
rest 4 min x 3 sets
Just made transitions quicker. 265 still felt heavy but did feel better from last weeks 255. Wall Balls much better today.
Dead bugs with mini band on feet x 6/side with light KB held overhead 2in off ground
Side plank rotate unders x 4/side
Dead hang to inverted to tucked front lever x 2 controlled reps
3-4 times through, rest as needed

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