Monday – 11/27/2017 – TTT

(include the rolling scap circles into kip into C2B again as an additional warmup drill)
A – For time – 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 unbroken C2B pullups
I started the set of 7 somewhere around the 57 second mark. Felt the fatigue really hit in the set of 8. And butterflies broke down toward the end of 9.
I would like to get this closer to 2 min mark. Wasn’t my last time over 3 minutes?

B1 – Dbl KB hang snatches x 15 @ 35/hand, rest 30 sec
B2 – BB strict press x 15 @ 65-75lbs, rest 2 min x 3 sets
this felt spicey. Numbers were spot on but I’m sure there was still some carry over from the c2b

For time
Front squat x 3 reps @ 265-275 (not too heavy that it grinds, but make it challenging)
Wallball x 16 @ 30lbs
Wallball x 24 @ 20lbs
DU’s x 60
rest 5 min x 3 sets
@265 – still fight a little poopie warming and was fine when I actually started.
2:39 – more efficient w/30 and picked up rope quicker
2:29 – less transition bt movements

Dead bugs with mini band on feet x 6/side with light KB held overhead 2in off ground
Side plank rotate unders x 4/side
Dead hang to inverted to tucked front lever x 2 controlled reps
3-4 times through, rest as needed
going to get done throughout coaching tonight

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