Tuesday – 12/5/2017 – TTT

as a footnote to the week/day have been fighting this yucky allergy crap they had been going around. Today I took some medicine and accidentally took the nighttime stuff in the am. I tried to nap it off, but most of the day was pretty foggy and trying to get jazzed up for today’s session was a bit of a challenge.

A – Establish 1RM snatch

This is the most weight we have lifted together in a long time and might even be the heaviest we’ve lifted working together.
AMRAP 12 min
25 chin over bar pullups
50 row cals
100 OHS
50 box jumps to 24in
25 chin over bar pullups

Was pretty upset with myself when this was over because I didn’t push myself the way this workout was intended to be, or push myself to score up to my potential. Warm up for this piece if I had the time or energy to do it right would’ve been about 20 minutes longer.
The major limiter today was muscle endurance, I never pushed hard enough for it to be cardio respiratory endurance limiter for me. The OH position for the OHS, and then my legs going into the box jump. Broke up the first 25 pull ups in the beginning but in hindsight the pulling vs the OH stabilization didn’t seem to affect that as a limiter.
Seated straight leg lift offs x 6 from straddle and 6 from feet together
Reverse leg lifts prone on bench x 6 from straddle and 6 from feet together
rest as needed x 5 sets

Legs weren’t happy with me at all so this was not pretty but done.

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