Tuesday – 1/2/2018 – TTT

18 bar facing burpees @ 93% effort, new set every 3 min x 3
I think it was around rep 14/15 that I wanted to slow down but stayed pushing so was happy with the mental victories.

16 burpee box jump overs @ 24in, new set every 3:30 min x 3
Tried slowing my pacing down a little bit each round and just felt smooth. The pushing and mental fatigue was noticeable at rep 13 but I never wavered and stayed in it.
12 dbl DB burpee box step over @ 50/hand to 20in box, new set every 3:30 min x 3
Passed on due to the shoulder extension

E4MOM x 4 sets
Row 50 cals
18 kipping HSPU, open standard
Over the past 3-4 weeks of doing this I have been good on the first 2 rounds and then set 3 the row cals eats my lunch. Today was no difference. I know the rower is not like the bike where you are not rewarded by going faster/harder so I have been trying to maintain 1100 cals, and in sets 3 i can manage it for the first 90s and then it’s so much work and I end up barely finishing each round and feels more like an amrap then e4mom. Positive, even with feeling heavy and sluggish all hspu were done unbroken and I felt no extra work on the negative.

4 rounds not for time
50ft seal crawl with feet on sliders
Single leg straight leg hamstring bridge from low box x 5/side

Seal crawl is my new least favorite movement of all.

Overall pec was really sore, but showed no limitations in the moves performed today.

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