Saturday – 1/20/2018 – TTT

Still not feeling 100%, but felt important to get the volume and practice this piece even if I wasn’t functioning up to my full potential.
Min 1 – 6 fast burpees
Min 2 – 6 1-arm russian swings (3/side)
Min 3 – 6 sec HARD AB
rest walk 3 min x 3 times through
Think I was about 14-15 seconds on burpees felt slow
Kb swings @ 70
Bike got up to 1500+ watts each set
3 rounds @ 88%
10 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs
10 burpee box jump overs @ 24in
rest 4 min
2 rounds @ 88%
20 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50bs
12 burpee box jump overs @ 24in
(rest 4 min)
1 round @ 88%
30 1-arm alternating DB snatches
15 burpee box jump overs @ 24in

5:42 – 3x – 10/10
5:01 – 2x – 20/12
2:43 – 1x – 30/15
My 88% was not existent. First set, burpee ate my lunch, felt I was better in the 2rd piece but was unable to sustain the pace which happened around rep 8 in round 1, round 2 just told myself to suck it up and deal with it.
Going into this the idea of switching hands in the air with the db stressed me out, so this was good exposure and built my confidence for that. Caught myself with wanting to step up on two burpee, did this when I was tired, and it broke my rhythm, but caught myself without wasting too much energy.
Good news is chest didn’t hurt at all during the db snatch/burpee pieces. Was tight during emom but warmed up quickly.
Jefferson curls x 4 slow reps
Negative body levers x 3 slow reps
2 dead hang to inverted on rings
rest as needed x 3 times through
Only got 2 rounds through

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