Tuesday – 1/30/2018 – TTT

AB 6 miles, steady and sustainable
thoughts this was never going to end
8 min steady movement
20 sec slow arch/hollow iterations on bar
20 sec belly to wall HS hold with steady breathing
20 sec hollow rocks
20 sec arch rocks
good stuff
Ski erg 2k, steady and sustainable
my lats were smoked, made me a little scared for the pull ups tomorrow.
8 min steady movement
Cossack squat flow x 2-3/side
Side lying GHD sorenson hold x 15 sec/side
Banded pallof split squats x 5/side
1-arm KB bottoms up swings x 5/side into 3 bottoms up KB windmills
I need to get back to using windmills in warm ups.
Row 1k, steady
just end already
8 min steady movement
Prone scorpion twists x 4/side
Supine scorpion twists x 4/side
1-arm KB arm bars (light) x 4/side
1-arm KB thrusters (light) x 4/side
Good finish to the day. Man I was hella sore.

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