Saturday – 2/3/2018 – TTT

15 min power work (*include 5-8 reps of slam balls, vertical throws, AB sprints, Ski erg Sprints, Etc. Get your CNS really fired up.)
This was really good – should’ve got more aerobic build up in too

Open workout 17.1

Db portion
Switched hands in the air during the 10-20’s- and majority of the 30’s
40’s had less hand switching in air
Way more low back work when switching on ground, had very little transition time bt burpee work to pick up db

Really felt the fatigue after the set of 40 db snatch – kept telling myself how close I was but at that point just tried to keep moving. I felt I was fairly steady but did noticably rest more in the set after 40. Maybe a little after the set of 30 but not much. Rest was on belly.

Looking back
Could’ve grinded through a few more db air switches but not sure how that would have carried over for the burpee. The new standard is a game changer, it is what it is, but it’s stupid.

15 min bike flush
Done and probably about to do another night time flush
6 min breathing tempo work with feet elevated and head supported
Same as above

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