Saturday – 8/13/2016 – TTT

A1 – Wide grip pullup negative with 20 sec eccentric x 1, rest 90 secFelt like an eternity

A2 – Belly to wall hold in hollow body 35 sec, rest 90 sec x 5 

If 40 seconds is next week, I think I am going to fast the day before. Holy shit this was a fight.

B1 – Wide grip banded PVC lat pulldown from seated x 20, 1 sec squeeze at bottom of each, rest 60 sec

This sucked, but at least you know you aren’t going to hit muscle failure

B2 – Banded strict press @ 21X2 x 5-6, rest 2 min x 4


Done at a different gym, so using a newer set of bands that I had to feel out

C – Overhead yoke carry x 50ft, start a set every 90 sec x 8

Did a circuitous 50ft route with 2 banded KB @ 35/side 

Way worse than the yoke has ever been

D1 – Chest down trap 3 raise with DB @ 30X1 x 8/side

Done at home

D2 – Foam roll thoracic extension with resistance – 35-40 sec of good tension, rest as needed x 3 sets each

On a very positive note, the little annoying clavicle issue that I was having is slowly going away. The stretching protocol is definitely helping that. I still think it’s too early to see results. Same does I have been rushed and have to pick and choose which movements I use, but I get at least 5-6 of them every day when I am rushed for time. 

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