Tuesday – 6/13/2017 – TTT

Wasn’t going to put this in my notes until I looked back at my scores from last Tuesday. For starters, night a full night sleep. Second due to a busy day with family coming in town, had to train way earlier than I’m used to. I’m sure these two factors played a major role in my overall performance with these. 
A – Squat snatch x 15 reps for time @ 165lbs, rest 5 min x 2 sets


3:41 – 1 technical miss, didn’t open my hips all the way. Tightened up my lats and loosened my arm on the last 5 reps and made it feel easier 

B – Squat clean x 8 reps for time @ 245lbs, rest 5 min x 2 sets



C – Sumo seated good mornings 4 sets of 6-8, rest 2 min

65 across times 6 reps.

Just felt good and in control so I chose to stay here. Should this primarily be eccentric?
D1 – Prone scorpion twists x 4/side

D2 – Supine scorpion twists x 4/side

D3 – Kipping toes to rings x 8, rest as needed x 4 sets

Much better here than the last time of staying connected through midline and trying to initiate a big kip 


Ski erg 1.5 easy cooldown

Had to cruise on a bike

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