Monday – 6/19/2017 – TTT

AMRAP 4 minDbl KB deadlifts x 5

Farmer carry x 25ft


Goal for myself was to always to 2 rounds unbroken 

Did 4 unbroken rounds and 2 every one beyond. This might have had me going out a little hot setting up the rest of the pieces being a little yuckier than they should’ve 


AMRAP 4 min

Bear hug squats x 5

Bear hug carry x 25ft


AMRAP 4 min

5 burpees

Heavy prowler push x 25ft

Forgot again to write number down immedeately after, but I think it was 



Forearm stand practice (wall assisted as needed, use the position to work on shoulder flexion with stacked midline)

Was way harder when I was sweaty as hell, plus I was surprised that it was easy with a balled up fist vs palms flat

Good practice here though


Band series –

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