Tuesday – 6/20/2017 – TTT 

another session earlier than would like (family is now left the building so routine and normal eating is back, thank goodness)

Ski erg 20 cals directly into 10 squat snatches for time @ 165lbs (1 set)

3:02 total 
Off the erg around 1:10/1:11

About a 9-10 sec walk to barbell 


Row 30 cals directly into 6 squat cleans for time @ 225lbs (1 set)

1:26 on barbell
(1:16.1 on rower)
Clean has been feeling so much weaker than snatch. Snatch is feeling pretty solid but I do not feel strong on clean at all. 


A – Sumo seated good mornings 4 sets of 8, rest 2 min (entire movement should be controlled through midline, but the eccentric is particularly important for sure)

95 across 

Much more comfortable throughout the whole movement after last weeks exposure 

D1 – Prone scorpion twists x 4/side

D2 – Supine scorpion twists x 4/side

D3 – Kipping toes to rings x 8, rest as needed x 5 sets



8 min easy cyclic cooldown


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