Friday – 8/11/2017 – TTT

A – OHS @ 3121 tempo, 2,2,2,1,1. rest 3 minall racks were taken so the 2’s were taken from the ground 

From the rack 

260-275 (not sure if I was true to tempo, eccentric was, ISO in bottom maybe, concentric might not have been 2, just wanted to stand it up, felt right elbow bending, but finished the rep. Haven’t OHS this much in 4-5 years, and not sure if I ever went more than 275 either. 

4 sets, high effort

15 sec AB @ 1000+ watts, rest 20 sec

10 TNG power snatches @ 75lbs, rest 20 sec

10 bar facing burpees, rest 20 sec

60 DU’s

rest walk 4-6 min to recovery

pretty shitty while in it, by wasn’t that bad. Avg time was around 2:30, including 20 seconds rest. Power snatch became the biggest energy drain or I felt I got slower each round. Burpee was good steady movement I think, and clipped 2x on dubz, once first round and last round on rep 59. 


8 min easy cyclic cooldown

Good day of training, fueling and sleep were a little more well rounded today. 

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