Monday – 8/28/2017 – TTT

AMRAP 60 min @ EN2-3 effort
Row 250m @ 2:00/500m pace
Banded straight arm PVC lat pulldowns with shoulders down and back and rib cage down 5-6
Supinated grip foot assisted hang x 20 sec with full breaths
AB 90 sec @ 250-300 watts
1-arm farmer carry 50ft/side
1-arm bottoms up KB carry at shoulder height 50ft/side
Run 200m @ 8 min/mile pace
10 alternating cossack squats
15 sec L-sit hold from parallettes
10 min parasympathetic breathing @ 3142 tempo

Was surprised at how fast the 60 minutes flew by, actually enjoyed this a ton today. Avg heart rate was @ 100bpm, spike Around the 20 minute mark, runs and row elevated more than others.
Started breaking up the L-sit in 10/5, I try to make my L-sits super pretty w/straight legs and pointed toes and everything.

Breathing work was much needed and awesome today.

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