Wednesday – 9/20/2017 – TTT

3 sets, rest 4 min bt sets
5 burpees
5 squat cleans @ 185
5 burpees
4 squat cleans @ 205
5 burpees
3 squat cleans @ 225
5 burpees
2 squat cleans @ 245
Second set had a plan, 3rd set just executed that plan harder and made myself go faster on the burpee
185 was the toughest load, felt better and stronger on the 225 and 245
Back squats – 8 sets of 2-3, try for 285-295 this week, rest 2 min
295 2 reps x 6 sets, last 4 for 3
Banded pallof reverse lunges x 10/side
Sky reaches from spiderman stretch x 5/direction/side
3 sets, rest as needed

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