Monday – 9/26/2017 – TTT 

in warm up, practiced with a Zeus rope, not sure how close that is to the rpm weighted rope. 
For time

21-15-9 row cals

21 pullups, 15 C2B, 9 strict pullups


21 UB (on hindsight maybe a mistake?)

15 – ⅞

9 – 2 then all singles 

First row took 48 seconds avg 1600+, maybe over pulling. But definitely wanted to find some of these things out 


A – 3 banded strict HSPU, rest 30 sec, AMRAP strict HSPU in one set, rest 3 min x 5 sets


(Might have actually done 6 sets, not 100% sure.)

B1 – BB rollouts from tall kneeling x 6-8, rest 1 min

Is there any major difference of leverage when doing these with an actual ab wheel vs a barbell because of leverage/hand position? 

B2 – Banded pull throughs from wide(r) stance x 6-8, rest 1 min x 4 sets


C1 – Ring in and outs from front plank x 10 alternating reps (hands in arm pits, 1 arm extends laterally at a time), rest 1 min

C2 – 1-arm rotational ring rows x 5/side (rotate body away at extension, and towards top hand/strap at top), rest 1 min x 4 sets

D -Multi directional lunge matrix with arm drivers in:

– arms over head lateral flexion right

– arms over head lateral flexion left

– arms in front rotational right

– arms in front rotational left

– arms in front reach in front to overhead 

3 reps in every position with each hand driver
all complete 

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