Tuesday – 11/21/2017 – TTT

Row 2 min @ 1:43/500m pace, directly into
AMRAP 4 min
8 kipping HSPU
8 toes to bar
24 DU’s
(rest 6 min)
Row 2 min @ 1:43/500m pace, directly into
AMRAP 4 min
3 ring MU
6 shoulder to overhead @ 135lbs
12 BB front rack walking lunge steps (6/side)

4+3 – was trying to go so fast on hspu that my rhythm was a little off. Didn’t measure out a box and should’ve that might have helped. H act breathing but in these pieces I know it’s over soon
3+3 – the walking lunge were horrible and ate my lunch everything else was fine relatively speaking. The last 3 muscle ups felt better than the other ones, I’m sure at that point I was so fatigued and I didn’t want to miss them so I was way more aggressive on kip
Seated straight leg lift offs x 6 from straddle and 6 from feet together
Reverse leg lifts prone on bench x 6 from straddle and 6 from feet together
rest as needed x 3 sets
done. Wasn’t as hard this week and less cramping in the hip flexors

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