Monday – 12/4/2017 – TTT

5 times through this complex, rest as needed for quality
9 chin over bar
6 C2B
3 bar MU
wasn’t able to do any of them unbroken. Bar muscles did not feel great today but I’m sure the 15 reps before them had something to do with it lol. Hand blistered up on the very last set of the first muscle up. Already treated it and should be fine for Tuesday’s amrap.
Dead hang to inverted to tucked ring tick tocks x 3, rest 2 min x 4-5 sets for quality
5 sets. Should’ve video’d them because they felt good but would liked to have compared what they felt like to what they are supposed to look like to see how close or far away I was.
Parallette Support slide in and outs x 3 slow reps for control (
Tucked pseudo planche with feet on bands x 15-20 sec
rest as needed x 4 sets
finally felt like I did the parallete support slides with some quality
Dead bugs with mini band on feet x 6/side with light KB held overhead 2in off ground
Side plank rotate unders x 4/side
Dead hang to inverted to tucked front lever x 2 controlled reps
4-5 times through, rest as needed

only got through 3 sets

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