Tuesday – 6/02/2015 – TTT

A. 1RM Front Squat

Hit 245, then went to 255, came out of the hole but could not continue to drive past. Then went to 250. Had some negative self talk when unracking this load, almost did not go for it, was pretty maentally drained building up to and missing the 255.

B. amrap 30X1 tempo front squat @ 85%

was pretty drained from the 255/250 going into this work. went for rep 4 but did not have enough junk yard dog in me at this point.

C. 2 x 500m/rest 1:30
1st – 1:34.3/34 spm
2nd – 1:35.1/33 spm

warm up for this
3 x 10 seconds at goal pace
2 x 20 seconds at goal pace
1 x 30 seconds at goal pace

Did not feel very powerful going into this, as I was doing warm up, I was having a hard time getting to mid 1:20’s pace. Was thinking that the front squat work took a lot out of me. I know later this week I get another shot at fast row pace and will be able to see how this compares. Will try and use the exact same rower.


db external rotation – 30
powell raise – 15 (could barely move 20 for one on weak arm)
trap 3 raise – 10 (limiter here is my thoracic mobilty, no 12lb db’s and was definitely not going to be able to move 15)
all done with roughly a 2121 tempo

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