Tuesday – 8/30/2016 – TTT

A – Skin the cat on rings x 14 reps for control, continue to challenge the positions
B1 – Ring hinge rows x 10-12, rest 90 sec


B2 – Archer pushups on rings x 6-8/side (12-16 total), rest 90 sec x 5

14 across, might have sacrificed some good positions had I gone for more 

C1 – Renegade rows x 20-24 (10-12/side), rest 90 sec

24 @ 50 – got a little sloppy and I swear bracing for this long and time under tension disrupts my stomach, and probably ate too recently on top of that 

24 @ 45 x 2

20 @ 45 x 2

C2 – DB neutral grip bench press x 20-24, rest 90 sec x 5

24 @ 35 x 3

22 @ 40 x 2

(aim for upper end of range on early sets, then dial back on later sets


AB 20 sec @ 350 watts

AB 20 sec @ 400 watts

AB 20 sec @ 450 watts

AB 20 sec @ 475 watts

AB 20 sec @ 500 watts

rest 3 min x 5 sets

much better on rx efforts today except the 3rd set when I truly felt like I was going to throw up when I got into the 475 interval. Never came up, thank goodness and I rallied 

Dbl DB overhead carry 100ft, rest 90 sec x 8

Did not get this in today

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