Tuesday – 9/13/2016 – TTT 

A. DB 2-arm Reverse Walking Lunge – 3 x 20 steps, moderate load, rest 2 mindone – 40’s across 

B1. Elevated step downs x 5/side, rest 30 sec


B2. BB Pendlay Row x 8, rest 90 sec x 3

135 across, with a nice squeeze at the top 

C – Tucked ice cream makers x 5-6, rest 2 min x 3

Wish I had filmed these, they felt right, and even tried a set from an untucked, but without having video to look at not sure if I was doing them 100% correctly 


12 sets, steady deliberate movement

AB 8 cals @ 60RPM

8 burpees, 1 breath at top each rep


This was perfect piece, there were times where I felt froggy and wanted to go faster on my burpees. 

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