Monday – 11/21/2016 – TTT

Did not get in Sunday 

low expectations today 
A – Wtd lean away pullups @ 30X1 tempo x 5-6, rest 2 min x 5

x 5 across in order to go heavier 26, 30 x 2, 35 x 2, 

Last set at 35 was a little sloppy and last few reps holding tempo was hard. Last week was closer to levers the just a lean away, today was not as over exaggerated 

B1 – BB push press x 3 TNG reps, tough, rest 30 sec


B2 – 15 Dbl DB TNG push press, rest 3 min x 4 sets

53/hand wanted to do 70’s but don’t think I could’ve gone 15 tng UB today 

Traps were exhausted 

C – Back rack cyclist squats @ 2021 tempo x 10, new set every 2:30 x 5 (longer concentric, will suck more)


+5 from last week plus the 2 extra reps = yuck


For time

30 Dbl KB hang clean and jerk @ 53/hand

30 C2B pullups

30 burpee box jump overs @ 24in


Was super inefficient with KB c&j, need to practice outside of a training piece, it ate my lunch today, that and I was feeling like shit plus the shoulders were pretty tired 

C2B felt heavy on, 12/7/5/6

Was not comfortable breathing heavy at all on bbxjo. 


D1 – Chest supported DB reverse flys x 8-10, rest 60 sec

D2 – Prone thoracic extensions x 4-5 with 3-5 sec hold at top of each, rest 60 sec x 4


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