Wednesday – 1/11/2017 – TTT

AM40 min ATW @ En2-3 pace

Jacobs ladder 90 sec steady pace

5/direction KB around the body pass

5/direction KB drag through from elbow plank

Row 90 sec steady, no monitor

5/arm bottoms up KB press

5/arm 1-arm KB thruster


I’ve always made clients do the KB drag from plank, now I had to do it and have better respect for them. Lol. Funny how it works out like that. Elbow felt tight and irritated in the KB thruster, so made the rack position adjustment so it felt good.


8 min breathing work from quadruped rock back position @ 3162 tempo


A – Power clean x 1/Hang Power clean x 2 – 1 complex every 90 sec x 8 (light to moderate)

165 across

B – Front squat x 1 every 30 sec x 15 (good speed and bounce out of bottom on all)

225 x 7, 235 x 3, 245 x 5

C – Deficit halting deadlift, 5 sets of 3, rest 3 min (3-4in deficit, pull to just below knee for a pause then return to floor)


Row 150m high effort, new set every 2:30 x 6

27.7 (1:32.3-36)

27.1 (1:30.3-37)

27.4 (1:31.3-36)

27.6 (1:32.0-34)

26.8 (1:29.3-33) over exaggerated the sprint start 

26.7 (1:29.0-37)

D1 – Prone external rotation press x 4/side, rest 30 sec bt sides

D2 – Hands behind back scap pinches x 4-6 reps with holds in back, rest 60 sec x 4 sets

Meant to do these later in the day, but lost track of time so will do them at home.

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