Monday & Tuesday – 1/16 & 1/17/2017 – TTT

EMOM x 30Min 1 – AB 12-15 cals

Min 2 – KB bottoms up screwdriver from prone x 4 rotations/side (just flat on back, dont do side lying –

Min 3 – 2 controlled skin the cat reps on rings

Min 4 – Banded bicep curls x 8/side with controlled eccentric (get to full extension of elbow under control)

Min 5 – Banded tricep extensions with controlled eccentric x 8/side

done – screwdrivers done at 35 and wanted to focus on good external rotation 

20 min easy bike mixed with mobility (get off every 3-4 min to do some movement work – rolls, crawls, walks, support holds, carries, etc)


8 min box breathing @ 3 sec in, 6 sec out tempo

6-8 min ring MU skill work (beat swings to MU, play around with different intensities and ‘size’ of kip)

didn’t feel great here transitioning from best swings to muscle ups, tried to focus on hollow body position and good tension. Best swing transitioning to muscle up didn’t feel smooth. 

10-12 min tumbling ‘play’ on gymnastics mat – forward rolls from kneeling landing in squat, forward rolls from inverted against wall landing in squat, forward rolls from a freestanding HS landing in squat, backward rolls (start these with head to alternating sides, then as you get used to pressing with hands do straight back), dive roll over alternating shoulders

this was super fun and actually had someone point out some cues that I was actually able and comfortable so the back rolls straight back. 


Death by row cals


Limiters truly felt like hamstring and low back endurance. Tried to get cute between 16-19 to try and sandbag effort to save energy when it was go time. I found out that this was a mistake and 


10 min breathing work @ 3152 tempo


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