Friday – 6/30/2017 – TTT

A1 – Isometric snatch grip deadlift rack pull x 4-6 sec hard contraction, rest 20 sec225 across – cheated and used straps for the last 3 sets 

A2 – Power snatch x 1.1, rest 10 sec/3 min x 4 sets


Felt pretty good here. Went to do a bonus set at 200 because I was feeling froggy, and power was done. 

B1 – Dbl KB front squats x 8 AFAP @ 53/hand, rest 30 sec

B2 – Depth broad jumps x 3 from 15-18 in box, rest walk back to box between reps, rest 3 min bt sets x 3



8 sets

8 power snatches @ 75lbs

16 wallballs @ 30lbs

12 cal ski erg high effort

rest walk 2:30 bt sets, stop if power drops more than 8-10% on ski








Why is this so terrible. Felt great the first 4 rounds today. It was round 5 that the wall balls started to feel like work and made it shitty. 


remaining had to be done later. 

Reverse plank press ups x 5 with 5 sec hold at top of each

Straddle negatives from tripod headstand position x 2-3 controlled reps, rest as needed x 4 times through


Easy bike cooldown

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