Wednesday – 11/1/2017 – TTT

A – Snatch grip halting deadlifts, 2 positions (mid shin and above knee), 5 sets of 3, rest 2 min
Bar felt really heavy this morning
B – Mid thigh hang power snatch x 1/Below knee hang power snatch x 1, rest 90 sec x 6 sets
155 x 2, then down to 145 x 4
The mid thigh hang is still a struggle to get the best leg drive, hip extension feels good though.
C1 – Banded russian swings x 12, rest 30 sec
done at 2 pood
C2 – Supine hollow hold with weighted PVC in overhead position x 30 sec, rest 30 sec
C3 – Single arm banded lat pulldown from 45 degree hip hinge x 8/side, rest 30 sec/90 sec x 3 sets
done, had to use a lower hanging bar so went to a half kneeling and hinge position
D1 – Partial ROM GHD hip extensions x 12-15, rest 60 sec
D2 – Swivel hip to extension x 4/side, rest 60 sec x 3

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