Saturday – 5/12/2018 – TTT

Shoulder extension protocol
For time
30 sandbag ground over shoulder @ 150lbs
(rest 10 min)


(was at 15 reps @ 2:31 – tried to push a little harder and wanted to have a faster second half.)

Couple of things I noticed, and it was hard to find that sweet spot, the effort and energy to 1-time, When I lapped it, felt easy but almost used to much power to clean it for that.


For time
21-15-9 row cals
50 Du’s/round


No pain in dubz, thats good news and all unbroken.

Set of 21 cals – goal was to stay above 1600 cal/hr and think I was in 1700-1800 most of the time

Think it was 1700 and some 1600 for the 15’s, and 9’s I don’t really remember


Hip flow x 5-6 min continuous movement

Box breathing from supine x 6-8 min, 3142 tempo


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