Wednesday – 5/30/2018 – TTT

AMRAP 12 min
10 cal row
10 thrusters (start at 75lbs, add 20lbs each round)


Tried to look many places to see if I could find my score from last year, but I could not find it. Last year I think I remember pacing the row and pushing the thruster. Today I pushed the row a little more, felt a little weaker with the thruster, but i’m well aware that we havent been getting a ton of knee flexion exposure in the front rack, so I was a little bummed but not too pissed. First 2 rounds was around 1700cal/hr, and then after that told myself I wasn’t allowed to drop below 1400. Could’ve had a better warm up with more CNS prep but most of my warm up was energy system relative with the rower and light barbell cycling. Good reminder for the future.

shoulder extension protocol and hip movement quality

AB 15 min, do this as 5 sets of (1 min nasal breathing only + 2 min regular breathing)


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