Friday – 7/27/2018 – TTT

Power clean x 2 reps – EMOM x 6 (165-175)

175 Felt much better today
Power clean x 1 + hang squat clean x 1 – EMOM x 6 (185-195)

195 Felt really good
Squat clean x 1 rep EMOM x 6 (225 for these)

Felt pretty good here

Should’ve hit a rep or 2 between the last emom becuase the first rep felt good but the weight jump kind of surprised me a little.
1-arm front rack squats x 8/side @ 53lbs, rest 30 sec bt arms
1-arm rotating ring rows x 8/side, rest 30 sec bt arms x 3 sets

Band pull apart series

Row ALAP @ 1:43/500m, stop when you have 3 strokes in a row above pace
rest 60 sec and repeat until you accumulate 3000m


Much better pacing and maintaining today. I never left the gym between the two sessions, so i never cooled off, stayed hot and sweaty and sticky, did refuel and some CHO. Other than those other small factors, felt better and had a better approach. Never spilled over, except for the last 600+ meters, I was determined to to finish without having to break, the very last 3 pulls I did not maintain 1:43 and fought for it to get there, but it rolled over on the last pull

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