Saturday – 8/4/2018 – TTT

4 rounds for time
18 hspu
12 DB burpee box step ups (50lbs to 20in)
6 ring muscle ups
+ (rest to recovery)
4 sets for times, rest 2-3 min bt sets
18 GHD situps
dbl KB overhead carry 60ft
HS walk 30ft
heavy bear hug carry 60ft
HS walk 30ft
+ (rest to recovery)
1 mile sled drag, sled + 90lbs, grinding effort

a: 27:54

B: called it for the day – tried warming up a couple of the pieces and I was just mentally and physically shot

Not sure how fast or long the hspu piece was supposed to take, but I felt sluggish, slow, heavy and drained. Never once to my heart rate get too high, I broke up the hspu in the beginning because I didn’t know what kind of effect they would have in the rest of the triplet. The burpee step overs sucked the life out of me and from there it was a gradual decline felt like I was in mud.


The couple of insights I am trying to make, yesterday was a pretty good training session, but the runs and being in the heat on top of not sure I got enough hydration to compensate for the sun/heat exposure. Sleep was decent but I did have to get up early for a meeting. Breakfast wasn’t bad, I did have a lot of food but  it was kind of heavy, and another factor I noticed is my am coffee didn’t get my juices flowing like normal. Hormonally I feel pretty good this week, today I just felt beat.

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