Wednesday – 8/1/2018 – TTT

10 min AMRAP (use a 50lb DB)
20 SA DB Thrusters (10/side)
20 Lateral DB Burpees
20 SA DB OHS (10/side)
20 DB Facing Burpees
20 SA DB Hang Squat Clean (10/side)
20 SA DB Devil Press – Alternating (10/side)

2+ 44


First off, this was kind of fun. Was a little nervous because the first set of thrusters, the left shoulder was a little discomfort, and I did a pretty eccentric biased and shoulder protocol warm up. Left arm OHS i picked up pace big time, right arm was a fight for lock out, my thoracic on the right side is definitely a limiter. Warm up i felt no issues, but after the thruster and burpee I’m sure played a role in that. I was personally excited because I made myself go straight from the hang squat clean to the devils press without sitting the db down, personal victory, because I kind of wanted to. Second round going into the thrusters was ZERO discomfort. With the all the burpee today, my goal was to have some pushing and pacing within each set, I didn’t have a rep scheme but I just wanted to go hard for a while, and slow down and breath a little without stopping. Did pretty good with that for the most part.


Hip/groin was a little irritated – in deep flexion and source is around the adductors

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