Tuesday – 8/14/2018 – TTT

Lax ball plantar fascia rolling – 60 sec/foot
Barefoot calf raises with controlled eccentric x 10/side
Barefoot alphabet trace x 1/time through each foot, 2 sets
Banded ankle dorsiflexion x 10/side
Banded ankle plantarflexion x 10/side, 2 sets
Dynamic Activation (10yds each):
Knee Hug March
Lunge to Lizard
Single Leg RDL w Toe Touch to Kick
Carioca (each side)
Side to Side Lunge w Jump
Ankle to Elbow
Butt Kicks
High Knees
Power Skip
Run 100ft progressive intensity, ending high effort, rest walk back to start x 4
Run 800m @ 85-88% effort, rest 1:1 x 5 sets, goal to keep finish times within 8 sec of each other
Today I had to run the hill for the 800’s (next time I’m finding a damn track). With that being said, I did sandbag this a little because I knew the demand for the incline would take its toll if I didn’t attack it correctly. So I kept it sustainable and was probably closer to 83% than 85%. I called it on the 4th set as my shoes were starting to rub a blister on my heel. The other negative with running the hill is how much hills light up my anterior tib without much exposure. Overall, felt pretty good

Half kneeling shortened hamstring isometric contractions – 8 sec/side x 5 sets/side, rest as needed

Quadruped thoracic rotations x 4/side
Glute ham raise negatives x 5 on a 5 count
Banded psoas march from supine x 5/side
3 times through
Done – got a few extra sets in of thoracic rotation

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