Monday – 10/22/2018 – TTT

EMOM x 8
Odd min – 2 rope climbs to 15ft for efficiency
Even min – 10 bar facing burpees
might be one of the toughest emom’s we’ve done this cycle. I wanted to spend more metal time thinking about handwork for decent but didn’t have much time so had to really think on the fly after burpee. 3 pulls every time, I stayed patient because I’m always ready to over pull

EMOM x 8
Odd min – 2 bar pull overs
Even min – 3-4 sandbag ground to overhead (power clean/push jerk)
Had to warm this up a little bit, I haven’t done a bar pullover in a while and it took me a few attempts to get it back. Then on the 3rd set I missed my first 2 attempts, couldn’t figure out if I had over exhausted my pull but I got it back


B1 – 1-arm sled drag from front plank x 50ft, alternating hands each pull, rest 60 sec (add light load from last week)

+32.5 – this was much easier this time
B2 – Banded high rows with thick grips from straight leg seated x 20-24, rest 90 sec x 4 sets (

C1 – Supinated grip pullup negatives on x 6 count x, rest 10 sec/1 min

C2 – Towel threaded KB farmer carry 100ft (add light load from last week), rest 2 min x 4 sets

Made the next jump up and I handled it but it wasn’t as secure, but I did complete the 100ft so that’s all that matters
D – Wrist flexion/extension curls with banded KB on BB sleeve – 3 raises each direction x 5 sets
Ran out of time

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