Wednesday – 4/3/2019 – TTT

3 rounds for time
750m row
12-9-6 bar MU (6 burpee penalty for any break on bar MU)


Was assuming the attended stimulus was to get a little uncomfortable on the cyclical pieces and the efforts the “unbroken efforts” should be a fight.

Unbroken on 12 – when I got to 10, I was starting to 2nd guess the decision to go for it, but dug in and completed. Going into the 9 was my biggest fear, the row, I tried to keep around 2:00 pace, and even as I first sat down, my abs were pretty sore from yesterdays ghd work and really felt it here in my lay back and after the first set of muscle ups. I felt my hands blood blister up around rep 8, but wasn’t going to stop and then I knew it was full fledge there on rep 9. After that 9 I contemplated what I should do for about 30 seconds, then I thought I can at least get after this last row. That row was a push because I was contemplating calling it after it and not risking the hands. I think I got that row around 2:42. When I got off I thought for about a minute if was going to do the muscle ups, then I wondered if I could slightly change my grip and not pop or tear the blister. I did adapt my grip slightly, and finished. It did tear. I’m sure this kind of defeated the stimulus with that last round but I still wanted to see if I could adapt under the circumstances.

(rest 15 min)
3 rounds for time
50 AB cals
30-20-10 thrusters @ 95lbs
(50 DU penalty for any break on thrusters)


Didn’t want to game this and just approach it as if the thrusters didn’t have to be unbroken, held 300+ for the first 50 cals and pushed the last 8-10 calories. Then I get the barbell overhead and that felt extremely uncomfortable on my hand, but I did the 30 reps unbroken, and that hurt bad! I got onto the bike right away but I might have been lucky to get the bike above 100 watts the first minute or so, my chest felt like it was going to explode. The bike became survival and found a way to move, it took a while but it was hard, same for the set of 20 but I did it unbroken as well
Banded KB overhead carry 100ft, rest 2 min x 4 sets

Single arm BB farmer carry 30 sec on, 30 sec rest x 3 sets/side (tough)

Just couldn’t effectively grip the barbell in the right hand were the rip was to even move a good enough weight for this to be effective.

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