Monday – 4/8/2019 – TTT

Active arch/hollow hangs x 5 iterations x 5 sets, rest as needed (


Active hollow body hold banded pulldowns and banded Y’s x 14/position x 2 sets, rest as needed (


A1 – Dbl KB russian swings x 12 @ 53/hand, rest 30 sec


A2 – 1 set AMRAP unbroken chest to bar pullups with rhythm, stop when you lose rhythm, rest 3 min x 3 sets


Felt much better today than last week. The first 2 sets the forearm felt a little stiff and called it before pushing the limits, hands were also still extremely sensitive….forearm felt better for the last set but lost rhythm

B1 – Hang power snatch x 10 reps @ 95lbs, rest 30 sec


B2 – AMRAP deficit kipping HSPU (6in deficit) with rhythm, stop when you pause longer than 1 sec in any position, rest 3 min x 3 sets


Came off the wall for the 1st one. Lost ryhthm on set 2, and set 3 the last rep I would’ve had to rest longer than 1 sec


5 rounds for time

15-12-9-6-3 deadlifts (185,225,255,285,315, heavier each set as reps go down)

15 toes to bar

20 box jump overs @ 24in


Tried to make transitions quickly, weight changes of course took the longest, the other transitions felt better on. Broke ttb on each set. Hamstrings and low back were still pretty smoked from Saturday so the 225 load felt good but the 12 reps made that tougher. All loads past that were a grind. Box jump over goal was to keep moving no matter how bad I wanted to stop.

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