Saturday – 6/22/2019 – TTT

TTT Throwdown workout week 8


29 reps

Broke twice in my handstand walks – once in the very first round and once in my last round – tried forcing that round instead of trusting myself and not be stressed by the clock


On a bigger note, not sure if I have every row’d in the 1:20’s before and when I started my row my goal was to go about 90% for the first half and push a little harder with 200m left. At that point I thought not sure if I have every hit that number before and I decided to go for it. I had paced it too much in the beginning to hit the 1:29 and I’m really not real sure what my pr is but if it isn’t this it’s pretty dang close. But was pretty happy and excited that I went for it and didn’t absolute screw me in the amrap. Might not have set me up for my best effort as 315 got REAL heavy REAL fast.


Back decompression

A – Wall assisted glute bridge hold with hard posterior pelvic tilt 90

sec on, 3 min rest x 2



B – Prone/supine scorpion twists x 5/side/position x 3 sets, rest as needed


C – Frog pumps from supine 3 sets of 40, rest 90 sec


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