Saturday – 6/29/2019 – TTT

A. Split jerk recovery x, rest 8 sec/2 min x 3 sets

I could not find the jerk recovery standards so I had to use the yoke….I believe the yoke I used is about 160-170, and did +60 for 2 sets and +100 for the last set

B1. Box jumps; 16 reps AFAP 24in, rest 30 sec

*Note: set 1 lateral, set 2 over, set 3 normal

B2. Box step ups with single DB x 20 alt’ing reps 24in, rest 2 min x 3 sets

After the first set I wanted to measure some things and the first 10 reps of the last two sets took around 29-30sec while the last 10 reps took an additional 33-35 seconds


6 min amrap

10 DB power snatch alternating 50lbs

50 foot single arm DB OH walking lunges


5+10 snatch + 10 feet lunge

I’m not sure if it was 4 or 5 rounds. One thing I did do in the last round when I saw how much time was left on the clock is something I don’t ever recall doing and that’s pushing the speed of the lunge and I really felt it helped me balance quite a bit better. 

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